buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Treasure Hunt Mad Libs style.css header class hero div class hero-content h1 Treasure Hunt Mad Libs p Fill in the blanks to unlock the treasure! main section id madlib class madlib-form h2 Enter Your Words form id madlibForm div class input-grid div class input-group label for verb1 Verb input type text id verb1 required div class input-group label for noun1 Noun input type text id noun1 required div class input-group label for adjective1 Adjective input type text id adjective1 required div class input-group label for verb2 Verb input type text id verb2 required div class input-group label for noun2 Noun input type text id noun2 required div class input-group label for adjective2 Adjective input type text id adjective2 required div class input-group label for verb3 Verb input type text id verb3 required div class input-group label for noun3 Noun input type text id noun3 required div class input-group label for adjective3 Adjective input type text id adjective3 required div class input-group label for verb4 Verb input type text id verb4 required div class input-group label for noun4 Noun input type text id noun4 required div class input-group label for adjective4 Adjective input type text id adjective4 required div class input-group label for verb5 Verb input type text id verb5 required div class input-group label for noun5 Noun input type text id noun5 required div class input-group label for adjective5 Adjective input type text id adjective5 required div class input-group label for verb6 Verb input type text id verb6 required div class input-group label for noun6 Noun input type text id noun6 required div class input-group label for adjective6 Adjective input type text id adjective6 required button type submit class primary-button Generate Story section id story class story-container hidden h2 Your Treasure Hunt Story div class story-content button class treasure-button hidden Unlock the Treasure! section id treasure class treasure-container hidden h2 🎉 You Found the Treasure! 🎉 div class treasure-content p Congratulations! You've unlocked the treasure chest! div class treasure-chest div class treasure-lid div class treasure-body div class treasure-glow div class treasure-sparkles footer div class footer-content p Created with ❤️ by the Scroll community script.js